Mr. Coate took me aside in lab one day Spring of my senior year when I had been planning to go to the University of Illinois and was offered an athletic scholarship to go to Parkland. I didn't know if I was making the right choice, choosing Parkland over a school like the U of I. The day I chose the scholarship Mr. Coate gave me a pep talk about the things he thought I was capable of. I'm a modest person and at the time I thought he was just being nice, and was a little embarrassed to tell the truth. As time has gone by I've thought back on his words and realized that what he said gave me the impetus to create my own opportunities instead of waiting for life to give me my hand. He pushed me to be a better student than I thought I could be, and whether he knows it or not he has made a great difference in my life.
Thanks again,
Alix Phelps
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