From: suzieqtip83@hotmail.com
Subject: Mr.Coate
Date: March 12, 2007 8:12:05 PM CDT
To: vbock@vcbconsulting.com
Mr. Coate in a Nutshell
I had the privilege of being in Mr. Coate's classes for four years. When I started out my freshmen year in Biology, my only goal was to survive the daily quizzes and not be locked out of the classroom from not beating the tardy bell. My sophmore year in Zoology, my heart's desire was to have a giant "A" written on my tests in magic marker. And I can still point out a catalpa tree from putting together our tree books. My junior year in Microbiology, I was grossed out to find all the tiny microscopic organisms that lived in Mark Hocker's borrow pit. My senior year in Anatomy, I, along with my classmates, worked hard to be prepared for our lab practical. In addition, my ability to concentrate despite noisy distractions is a direct result of Mr. Coate purposefully and loudly cleaning the overhead while we took our tests.
Mr. Coate is a phenomenal teacher who has touched so many young minds. He inspired us to soak up knowledge, not only to be well-rounded in the Sciences but also to be better prepared for life. My college science courses were a breeze because Mr. Coate worked so diligently to impart the material to us in high school.
My only hope is that I will one day be half as good a teacher as he is. (I'd even settle for a fourth as good!) I wish him the best in retirement and wish that I could better put into words the profound effect he has had upon me.
-Susannah (Cutler) Moyer
Class of 2001
Teacher of deaf/hh students
at Urbana Middle School
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