From: jkersey@eureka.edu
Subject: Mr. Coate
Date: January 15, 2007 3:32:43 PM CST
When I think of Mr. Coate, I always think of . . .
~the rainbow of colors on his skin after a long day of notes
~the distinctive smell of his room
~the way he scared off all the freshman
~the change in attitude once we were upperclassmen
~the day that he took the baby sharks out of the one we were disecting and plopped them into his baby shark jar
~the scary lookin pelican that sits on top of the fridge
~the label for the Kleenex, "for the mucus challenged"
~the way he would tell us something very important with his eyes closed
~the silly little grin he would get when he made a joke
~the way he teased chelsea wallis all the time in Zoology
~the psychadelic butterfly he had on the wall in the lab room
~and just the overall good times had in his classes
Jessica Kersey
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